May 092013


The Beginning

One day I was drinking a latte in Paolo and Nathan’s lovely manor on the village green when their friend Gordon dropped by. Gordon found my face striking and, later, recommended me to his friend Jeremy, an artist who lives in a tumbledown cottage near the river.

I agreed to sit for a portrait as a volunteer.

Suki, the Artist’s Model.

Jeremy spent thirty-six hours over the summer painting my head and shoulders. During these sessions it emerged that he had trouble finding life-models.

It is paid work and I am a penniless writer. For this surface reason, I have offered myself.

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Suki’s discussion topic

1. Artist and Model: domination and submission?
Click on the above link to add further to this discussion (which is already thoroughly underway). Please comment too about my serial, Judi’s picture, THE LIFE ROOM (check it out via the links below), or anything else!
Look forward to hearing from you.
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1. HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! For an audio-visual treat go to THE LIFE ROOM, where my partner-in-creativity Bel the photographer has – ta-DAH!!! – put up the first two life rooms: Dean Clough (Halifax, UK), and artist Chris Murray’s studio – plus a musical gallery of artists’ hands
2. See my directory of life-drawing opportunities in Yorkshire, England. What – you don’t live in Yorkshire? Ask yourself for god’s sake why not ?
3. Have you visited my 2010-11 Gallery yet? (hundreds of drawings and paintings of, um… moi )
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Artist of the week

Judi Rich completed a foundation course in Art and Design in 2008 at Craven College in Skipton, UK, specialising in Fine Art, and continues to develop her work through life-drawing and portraiture classes around North Yorkshire and through the tutelage of Jane Parkin SWA, SEqA. Portraiture is a passion, says Judi, looking to capture ‘the essence’.
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